Shri M.L. Sharma (director) Micro Engineering Corporation, Founded in 1972, is the brain-child of Shri M.L. Sharma Beside his rich experience and expertise in the industry, it was his far-sighted vision which has enabled “Micro” to scale this pinnacle today. Micro understands that to be a global player, it should only have world-class work force.
“Our employees and suppliers are our associate members and with their support and Co-operation we have reached to these heights. Future belongs to those who foster the best environment for growth and development through continuing esearch while maintaining the heighest standards in personal and professional integrity and with a strong belief in growth and harmony. To grow, accept challenges of new technology and changing market. I have full confidence in the ability of MICRO Engg. team and trust it will carry our tradition of Total uality Management with creativity and vitality into the years ahead”